
Sunset of Life

Friday, September 23, 2011

True Success--What is it?

People spell the word success wrong usually. They should spell it S-U-B-M-I-T. Submit? Submit to who or to what? Why would submitting make you successful in life?

Real success comes when we submit to our Creator. This is not our Mother and Father. Nor is it a teacher we admire greatly. Submission to any human being or any thing will not bring us success.
Our Creator, the God who made us and keeps us alive day by day, has wonderful plans for the human race.

These plans are related to our development--physically, mentally, and spiritually. He gave us the power of choice in the beginning. He tested our loyalty in the beginning. He still gives us the power of choice. He is still testing us. We, too often, fail our tests.

Yet, our Creator and Redeemer has not given up on us. Though the majority make the wrong choices, we need not do so. It's up to us to respond to the counsel and pleas of the God who loves us. Yes, He loves us. So much so He came to this suffering world to live and die for the beings He created. It is like one of us becoming an ant to save the ants. We are NOTHING compared to the whole Universe. God didn't have to bother with us, but we are EVERYTHING to Him. The Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) were so interested in our welfare, They devised a plan to save us from ourselves.

Yes, our SELVES. This is our problem--self. Our Creator never made us to find success or happiness in serving our own selfish interests. He created us to be OTHER-CENTERED. Most of us are just the opposite--self-centered.

Oh, some of us can be quite charitable to others. When we are thus for the right motives, it is only because our Creator is working in our hearts. But kindness and good deeds can be done for selfish motives. It can vary with each individual, and we may not be aware of our true motives.

What has this to do with SUCCESS? A great deal. Success in this world can be very self-serving. But the kind of success God wishes for us has different motives. Although some of the results can be the same, the wrong motives will not mean lasting happiness or real satisfaction.

If we are submitted to our Creator and Redeemer success can still bring prosperity at times. Yet, it can mean waiting for prosperity until our Saviour returns and takes us to our heavenly home and the new earth He promises us. We have many lessons to learn here on this present earth. We are still in Pre-school or Kindergarten. We are still learning a few basic fundamentals about true success here. When we learn these we will be ready for the HIGHER SCHOOL.

This means we will then have an eternity to learn wonderful things, fulfill wonderful dreams or plans.
Our brain power and physical strength will be perfect then. So we can be much more successful at anything we attempt than we ever could be here. This would be in a place where we have perfect freedom to develop our abilities without the self-centered mind-set we often have in the present world.

Yet, only those who are willing to search the written word of God carefully and prayerfully will find God's plan for real success. Success is spelled submission, because this is what must come first. To make such a submission you will need to become thoroughly acquainted with your Creator and Redeemer.

As Paul, the Apostle, said, "I know in whom I believe." You must truly KNOW Him to truly love Him. Then submitting to Him will be easy, as you will both appreciate and trust Him. Thus, true success will be yours and a secure eternal future of continuing success will make you blessed beyond your imagination.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Are We Praying for the Holy Spirit as We Should?

We are told it is important to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Yet, I remember an experience I heard about a few years ago that makes me cautious about “how” we pray for the Holy Spirit and what attitudes we may have. Also, how willing are we to die to self and listen to that still, small voice when it points out sin in our lives. If we are holding on to something God would have us be rid of, we may be deceived. This is what seems to have happened to a certain group of people who were praying for the outpouring of the Spirit. It was obvious they received some spirit, but it was also obvious it wasn’t the Holy Spirit.

Now, I realize we are also told that many will not recognize when the Holy Spirit is poured out upon others. They will think it is something strange and dangerous, even though it is a calm, life-changing experience to those who experience it. They become more like Jesus in character. Their compassion for souls increases. There is no undue excitement. If what they do and say is not in harmony with the written word of God, it will soon be apparent.

As for ourselves, we do need to pray for the Holy Spirit to come fully into our lives. I, for one, want to be sure I am surrendered to the will of God. I want to be willing to be made willing, to make whatever changes in my life are necessary. I don’t want to hold on to any wrong trait of character, nor do I want to resist the convictions of the Spirit over any kind of sin in my life, no matter how large or small it may be. This may take time, and a whole lot of prayer. The sinful nature is always trying to get the mastery, with the help of our worst enemy, Satan. But we know God offers us all the divine power we need to be overcomers.

The Holy Spirit can and will give us victories over self. Forms of selfishness are what cause divisions among God’s people. Only those who are willing to be rid of self will learn to be in union with their brothers and sisters who are also praying for the outpouring of God’s Spirit.
I am not sure just how it can all take place, with all the rebellion still found in to many of God’s professed children. But we are assured it will take place.

The outpouring of God’s Spirit will eventually result in division and persecution. This can’t be helped. But, in the meantime, the Holy Spirit’s early and latter rain power will cause many to come and join us in proclaiming the good news of Christ’s soon return.

We need not fear the time of trouble coming on the earth, if we have made a complete surrender to God. It is only those who have not developed complete faith who will have a hard time of it. That surrender must be a daily matter, even hourly. I know the Lord can help us to learn to keep our minds on Him, be aware of His presence, as we seek to know Him better. We become changed by beholding. And, we behold by often reading His word and by often praying. When the Bible says to “pray without ceasing”, it is asking us to be in an attitude of prayer constantly.
Not only that, we need to be continually listening for the voice of God’s Spirit-- always comparing with the Scriptures, to be sure it isn’t our own impressions or from our evil foe.

I wish to have more of this experience in my own life. I hope you do too. Sometimes we may think we are willing to give our all, but are holding on to a few cherished little idols. I pray we will not let anything come between us and our Saviour. Pray for the Holy Spirit. Pray that He will change your life for the better, give you strength to overcome everything that stands in the way. Pray the fruit of the Spirit will be great in your life, the ten commandments will be written in your soul temple, and affect your thoughts, words, and actions. Then, prayer for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit to flood your life and make you ready to be more of a soul winner than you have ever been before. Pray God will entrust you with whatever gifts are needed for you to be the kind of person who can be one of those who will set the world on fire with the truth He has for mankind to ready them for the coming of our Heavenly King.

When individuals experience these things they can get together with other church members who are having a similar experience and pray together for God’s outpouring. It seems this is what God wants. His true children can do more to promote the cause of God if they can be in harmony with one another. But in some places the majority may not be in harmony, yet somehow we know God will bring about such harmony among true believers. Only the Holy Spirit can give us all we need for this to take place. The first step is obedience in all things. And, one of those things, is the command for us to pray for God’s Spirit to take over our lives. AMEN!

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Do You Really know Yourself

Many believe they do, but when you search out the written word of God you find this is not true. Your Creator and Redeemer can look deep into your heart and mind and discover secrets you didn't know about yourself--some forgotten, some not understood.

Does God search our hearts to find some deep, dark sin, so He can punish us? No! The Father sent His Son, Jesus, to show us how much we are loved. Why does He search our hearts then?

He wants to find our hunger for something better. He longs to fill the aching void which lies deep within us. He wants, through the Holy Spirit, to woo and win us into fellowship with Himself. He wants us to be one with Him in love--unselfish, joyful love.

Many deny a need for an understanding of such a Creator and Redeemer. They may deny He exists, or He has any interest in us. Yet, if we give Him a fair chance He will transform our lives into something wonderful and lasting.

This does not necessarily mean prosperity in this life. If we commit ourselves to Him, it will mean changes in our present lives. Plus, we may look forward to an eternity of bliss, where we will be ever growing in knowledge. Also, we will partake of satisfying enterprises we can't even dream about here.

The God who made us knows how to restore our sin-blighted hearts and to mold and make us into the humans He intended us to be in the beginning. We have been given another chance to choose His way--which is the only way for true and lasting happiness.

If you don't know Him now, or if you only have a partial knowledge, open up your heart to Him. Let the God who created you know He is welcome into your heart and mind. As you get to know Him better, you will be increasingly delighted to let Him search your heart and to show you how to do this yourself. He will give you all the strength you need, the love you need, and all the other "fruit of the Spirit" to complete His work in you.
Please, let Him start the job today. Don't put it off. Tomorrow may never come--life is too short.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search


In describing to His disciples the office work of the Holy Spirit, Jesus sought to inspire them with the joy and hope that inspired His own heart. He rejoiced because of the abundant help He had provided for His church. The Holy Spirit was the highest of all gifts that He could solicit from His Father for the exaltation of His people. The Spirit was to be given as a regenerating agent, and without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail. The power of evil had been strengthening for centuries, and the submission of men to this satanic captivity was amazing. Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power. It is the Spirit that makes effectual what has been wrought out by the world's Redeemer. It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given His Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress His own character upon His church. {Desire of Ages 671.2}

As children prepare to attend one of our schools, wise parents will help them to understand that in school life they are to strive to form a character that will fit them to associate with the unfallen beings of the universe. And this they can do only through the overcoming power that Christ will give them. Without His grace, no one can form a Christlike character. {Reflecting Christ 188.3}

My brethren and sisters, I believe that you will grasp the promises of God, and that you will be able to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. The angels of God will surely work in every institution where there is an earnest resolve on the part of the workers to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God. This determination will bring overcoming power, whatever may be your temperament. And as you seek to walk in the way of the Lord that your influence on other lives may be uplifting, the Holy Spirit in your own life will make you the most blessed of mortals. {SpTB15 10.1 Letters to Sanitarium Workers}

Thus the fallen foe ever works to keep in his ranks men of influence who, if converted, might render effective service in God's cause. But the faithful gospel worker need not fear defeat at the hand of the enemy; for it is his privilege to be endued with power from above to withstand every satanic influence. {Acts of Apostles 167.3}

The position of those who have been called of God to labor in word and doctrine for the upbuilding of His church is one of grave responsibility. In Christ's stead they are to beseech men and women to be reconciled to God, and they can fulfill their mission only as they receive wisdom and power from above. {Acts of the Apostles 360.2}

To us today, as verily as to the first disciples, the promise of the Spirit belongs. God will today endow men and women with power from above, as He endowed those who on the day of Pentecost heard the word of salvation. At this very hour His Spirit and His grace are for all who need them and will take Him at His word.--Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 20. {Christian Service 250.1}

Teachers must have a living faith or they will be separate from Christ. The Saviour does not ask how much favor you have with the world, how much praise you are receiving from human lips; but He does ask you to live so that He can put His seal upon you. Satan is seeking to cast his shadow across your pathway, that he may hinder the success of your work. You must have within you a power from above, that in the name of Jesus of Nazareth you may resist the power which is working from beneath. To have in the heart the Spirit of Christ is of infinitely more consequence than the possession of worldly recognition. {Counsels to Teachers 235.2}

To young men and young women, as well as to those who are older, God will give power from above. With converted minds, converted hands, converted feet, and converted tongues, their lips touched with a living coal from the divine altar, they will go forth into the Master's service, moving steadily onward and upward, carrying the work forward to completion. {Faith I Live By 247.6}

In surrendering ourselves to God, we reap great advantages; for if we have weaknesses of character, as we all have, we unite ourselves to One who is mighty to save. Our ignorance will be united to infinite wisdom, our frailty to enduring might, and, like Jacob, we may each become a prince with God. Connected with the Lord God of Israel, we shall have power from above which will enable us to be overcomers; and by the impartation of divine love, we shall find access to the hearts of men. We shall have fastened our trembling grasp upon the throne of the Infinite, and shall say, "I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me." The assurance is given that He will bless us and make us a blessing; and this is our light, our joy, our triumph. When the youth understand what it is to have the favor and love of God in the heart, they will begin to realize the value of their blood-bought privileges, and will consecrate their ability to God, and strive with all their God-given powers to increase their talents to use in the Master's service. {Fundamentals of Education 232.1}

If we would have the spirit and power of the third angel's message, we must present the law and the gospel together, for they go hand in hand. As a power from beneath is stirring up the children of disobedience to make void the law of God, and to trample upon the faith of Christ as our righteousness, a power from above is moving upon the hearts of those who are loyal, to exalt the law, and to lift up Jesus as a complete Saviour. Unless divine power is brought into the experience of the people of God, false theories and erroneous ideas will take minds captive, Christ and his righteousness will be dropped out of the experience of many, and their faith will be without power or life. Such will not have a daily, living experience of the love of God in the heart; and if they do not zealously repent, they will be among those who are represented by the Laodiceans, who will be spewed out of the mouth of God. {Gospel Workers 92 103.3}

In this age of moral darkness it will take something more than dry theory to move souls. Ministers must have a living connection with God. They must preach as though they believed what they said. Living truths, falling from the lips of the man of God, will cause sinners to tremble, and the convicted to cry out, “Jehovah is the God; I am resolved to be wholly on the Lord's side.” Never should the messenger of God cease his strivings for greater light and power from above. He should toil on, pray on, hope on, amid discouragement and darkness, determined to gain a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures, and to come behind in no gift. As long as there is one soul to be benefited, he should press forward with new courage at every effort. There is work, earnest work, to be accomplished. Souls for whom Christ died are in peril. So long as Jesus has said, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee,” [Hebrews 13:5.] so long as the crown of righteousness is offered to the overcomer, so long as our Advocate pleads in the sinner's behalf, ministers of Christ should labor in hope, with tireless energy and persevering faith. {Gospel Workers92 139.1}

Satan knows full well what a power for good is the life of a man of unbending integrity, and he puts forth zealous efforts to prevent men from living such lives. He comes to them with alluring temptations, promising them wealth, position, worldly honor, if they will but yield the principles of righteousness. And he has much success. . . . From the sad history of many who have failed we learn the danger of prosperity. It is not those who have lost their property who are in greatest danger, but those who have obtained a fortune. . . . Prayer is often requested for men and women in affliction, and this is right. But those in prosperity are more in need of the prayers of God's servants, for they are in greater danger of losing salvation. In the valley of humiliation men walk securely while they reverence God and make Him their trust. On the lofty pinnacle, where praise is heard they need the help of special power from above. . . . {Heavenly Places 243.3}

The joy of Christ is a pure, unalloyed cheerfulness. It is not a cheap gaiety that leads to vanity of words or lightness of conduct. No, we are to have His joy, and His greatest joy was to see men obeying the truth. . . . Plead with God, saying, "I make an entire surrender. I give myself away to Thee." Then be joyful. The Word is in you, purifying and cleansing your character. God does not want His children to go about with anxiety and sorrow expressed in their faces. He wants the lovely expression of His countenance to be revealed in every one of us who are partakers of the divine nature; for we have power to escape the corruptions of the world. . . . {Our High Calling 148.4}

We are not to follow human leading. Christ is our leader. At all times and in all places we shall find Him a present help. Because there are professing Christians who dishonor Christ in thought, word, and deed, we are to give plainer evidence than ever before of our completeness in Him. We are to walk in the light of His countenance. We are to show that He is light, and that in Him is no darkness at all. If we will submit to His guidance, He will lead us from the low level on which sin has left us, to the loftiest heights of grace. And as we strive for the crown of immortal life, praying that we may be made strong in the strength of Him who is invincible, we can help those who seem to have no power to escape from the snare into which they have fallen. {Signs of the Times, August 31, 1904 par. 6}

He [Christ] stood forth as God's representative in the world, to show that man in his humanity may take hold of divinity, and through that divine nature have power to escape the corruptions that are in the world through lust. . . . {8Manuscript Releases 290.3}

God calls upon His people to come into line. There is a great work to be done in a short time, and there is no time for hesitation. Plead with God, saying, "I make an entire surrender. I give myself away to Thee." Then be joyful. The Word is in you, purifying and cleaning your character. God does not want His children to go about with anxiety and sorrow expressed in their faces. He wants the lovely expression of His countenance to be revealed in every one of us who are partakers of the divine nature, for we have power to escape the corruptions of the world. {2Sermons and Talks 297.6}

These quotes come from the pen of E. G. White. We hope you blessed by them. Thank you for take the time to read this material.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Laws of Health

Obedience to moral laws (the ten commandments) will make sense to most of us. Lying, stealing, murder are not God's way and we recognize such things as evil and undesirable. Habits we have formed may interfere wih our obedience to these laws, but we may recognize, with God's help, they can be overcome.

Yet, there is another set of laws God would have us obey too. These are natural laws, or health laws. These govern how well our body and mind function. Though sin and evil have done much damage to the bodies and minds of humans, how we treat our bodies is a responsibility given to us by God. We are accountable for the choices we make in life, if we are aware of these choices, or if we choose to be ignorant of better choices.

Why is it important God's children obey health laws? Will disregard of these natural laws effect our relationship with God? Yes. There are several texts in the Bible that indicate this. 1 Corinthians 3:16,17; 6:19,20; and 10:31 are good examples of this. Whatever we eat or drink or whatever we do, we are to do to the glory of God. How does our body health enter into this directly? Our bodies are described as the temple for the presence of the Holy Spirit. If we want God to direct our lives, we need Him to have full access to our minds. Through careful Bible study, we will class gluttony and addictions right along with lying, stealing and murder. God wants to forgive us for our past sins, but He also wants us to repent, turn around, and forsake our sinning. This takes time, but our physical habits can help or hinder our progress.

Physical habits have a direct influence on mental stability and moral fiber. The mind and body are intimately tied up with each other. There is a slow suicide involved with the willing neglect of obedience to health laws.

What are these natural laws? They are found in everything God has so graciously supplied on this earth for our benefit--air, sunshine, water, food, exercise, moderation or temperance, rest, and trust in divine power. Proper use of these gifts from God will supply us with the best mental and physical health we can obtain in this present world. The best spirutal health can only be realized if one is endeavoring to attain and maintain their physical and mental health.

Thus, we have two sets of laws that our Creator has given to us for our good. And, we have a Saviour who will give us divine power (2 Peter 1:3,4) to keep both of these. Any struggles we have in our efforts to keep God's laws are caused by our fallen human nature. But God has promised us victory through the shed blood of His Son.

The physical and moral laws of God have depth. The moral law reaches down to our thoughts and motives. We cannot be Christians by a surface work. The fruits that appear in the life must be nutritious. Produce must be well fertilized. The soil it grows in must have all the minerals and elements needed to grow food that will nourish to the utmost degree. Thus, with spiritual fruit--what we receive through roots of the plant will determine the quality of fruit and even the quantity. The quality of works depends on our connection with divine power. We cannot grow into mature Christians without a vital connection with our Source of spiritual nutrition.

HEALTH LAW NO. 1 -- The natural laws of health also have their depth. The quality of water we drink and the applications for cleansing and for hydrotherapy purposes in sickness are not always thought of or used properly.

HEALTH LAW NO. 2 -- The food and drink we partake of may nourish or poison us, depending on what it consists of, when and how it is eaten. Books like "Old MacDonald's Factory Farm," "Food For A Small Planet," and organic gardening books have made us increasingly aware of what we eat. Many of us have become vegetarians. This, after all, was the diet God gave to Adam and Eve in the beginning and doubtless will be our food in eternity.

HEALTH LAW NO. 3 -- Physical fitness has become an issue in the last few decades. Many of us recognize regular aerobic exercise is essential for the best of health.

HEALTH LAW NO. 4 -- The problems of ozone and smog have made us more aware of the quality of air we breathe. Exercise and deep breathing of the freshest air we can be in, will make a difference. And, we know how detrimental smoking is to our delicate air passages, as well as to the rest of the body.

HEALTH LAW NO. 5 -- Proper rest can make a difference in the way we feel. This would include relaxation and the kind of recreation that is really re-creation--a change of pace or a different setting, a wholesome hobby. These all would enter into proper rest. The preoccupation with fiction, unnatural and exciting games does more harm than good for the nerves and brain. And, of course, what we behold we are influenced by. Real re-creation would be more like family picnics, hikes, gardening, family worship, reading to one another, arts and craft projects.

HEALTH LAW NO. 6 -- The good, old sunshine comes along with the fresh air and exercise. One can take in the sun without overdoing it. If you plan to spend much time in direct sunlight, wear clothing to protect the skin, and large brimmed hats.

HEALTH LAW NO. 7 -- Temperance in use of sunlight and in all the rest of the laws of health is vital. In fact, it is considered to be one of these laws. This would include total abstainence of that which is harmful and moderation in all things that are basically good for us.

How do we accomplish all this? Some of us have a time with getting enough of the right kind of exercise. Or, we have eating habits that lay the foundation for serious illness--overeating, too many sweets, greasy food, etc. Perhaps we smoke or drink alcoholic beverages. There are many poisons in this world, and we aren't aware of everything that may be harmful to our bodies and minds. Yet, we want to be rid of as many of these as possible. We want to obey our Creator and Redeemer. We want to find the true happiness and future life He promises to us.

HEALTH LAW NO. 8 -- This is where the eighth natural law comes in. This goes right along with the Moral Law God has promised to write in our hearts and minds. This health law is "trust in divine power." It is really the center of the rest of God's laws. Our trust in His power is based on our trust in the fact He loves us with an "everlasting love."

We should come to the place where we no longer doubt, even for a moment, that our Creator and Redeemer want what is for our ultimate, everlasting happiness. and, we will come to this place if we seek for His divine power to help us keep both His moral and health laws. Just as God's moral laws will be written in our hearts and minds, His physical law will be written on every fiber and cell of our bodies. Though,until Jesus returns, we won't have perfect bodies, we can gain perfect characters. We can be filled with His Spirit and walk in His steps.

Paul speaking of the athletes of his time said, "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Our goal is much higher than these athletes. Thus, our efforts to obey all of God's laws should be much greater than theirs. We have God's promises to back us up and we have His "divine power" (2 Peter 1:3,4 NKJV) to aid our efforts.

So, our main work is to "choose" the best He has for us. We have the power of choice every day of our lives. Plus, we have the promise of His forgiveness if we do falter or fall. Then we must get up again, take firmer hold of our Saviour's hand, and march on to victory.

Copyright 2000, Kathryn D. Search

Where is the Plan of Salvation in the Old Testament?

What Can the Ancient Sanctuary
Service Teach Christians?

Type and Antitype -- A Great Deal About the Plan of Salvation
The Old Testament in the Bible discusses the sanctuary and its furnishings in much detail. The services involved are also quite precise. Why did God go to all this trouble for a temporary system of rites and ceremonies that would be done away with when the Messiah came? Christians understand Jesus was the "Lamb of God" who saves us from our sins (John 1:29). He was the great sacrifice that all these other sacrifices typified. Yet, God had other reasons for being so particular with these ancient services.

Jesus used vivid images of truth by illustrating them in parables, He also gave us illustrations through these ancient services. Though we may not practice the ceremonies and rites, as did the Israelites in those early days, God teaches us lessons about the plan of redemption in these types.

We will hope to go into more detail about what God has told us in His word concerning the earthly, heavenly, and our body sanctuaries. The words tabernacle, sanctuary and temple are interchangeable.They are all used in the Bible.

The text found in Psalm 77:13 says: "Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary; who is so great a God as our God?" (all texts from NKJV). Why did the Psalmist and Bible writers consider the Sanctuary so important? Why did their life revolve around it? Why did God give them the sanctuary with its rites and ceremonies? Looking back, as Christians, we know at least part of the reason was to give them some type of picture of the coming Messiah.

The sanctuary was designed as an illustration of our Saviour and His purpose for each of our lives. Even the walls and curtains had lessons to teach. The specific furniture and rites that God visualized for Moses gave a revelation to Israel about the coming Messiah. But when He came, few recognized Him as the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies or as the antitype for the sanctuary and its services. Yet, the evidence was all there, if only they'd been willing to understand.

Those who did study could see in Jesus this fulfillment. the Lord gave Paul insight into much of this. He not only understood the Old Testament prophecies pointing to Christ, as the other apostles did, he also began to understand and preach about Christ's work in the heavenly sanctuary and the importance of our body temples for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Temple, tabernacle, and sanctuary were usually referring to the same place. In ancient Israel, the first sanctuary was a tentlike structure (a tabernacle) with walls of special skins and cloth. It was made according to the pattern given to Moses on Mt. Sinai by God. No detail was omitted in the planning and execution of this place. When the temple or sanctuary was built in Solomon's time, God's pattern was followed carefully, and God approved it by His presence. The last earthly sanctuary was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans, after Jesus had risen from the dead and gone to heaven to be our High Priest. The services were totally unnecessary after the curtain to the most holy place was torn from top to bottom by an unseen hand at the time of Jesus death.

John saw a temple in heaven. He saw the Ark of the Covenant, the Mercy Seat and the Altar of Incense where Jesus offers our prayers before the Mercy Seat. In the Ark of the Covenant are the Ten Commandments and on top of this is the Mercy Seat. The marvel of our body temples is the Holy Spirit can be present in our hearts and minds. In the tenth chapter of Hebrews God also promises to write His law in our hearts and minds. The plan of redemption God works in our lives is also seen in His sanctuary.

So we see three sanctuaries here: the earthly, the heavenly, and our bodies. As the Holy Spirit dwells in our minds, we gain control over appetites and passions. Much is to be learned from the first two in understanding God's purpose and His plans for us as individuals. Let us continue to learn from the beautiful illustrations given to man through the Sanctuary of God.

"Behold the Lamb of God who takes aways the sin of the world!" -- John 1:29.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." -- 1 John1:9.

"Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." -- Romans 6:3,4.

"Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, 'I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.'" -- John 8:12.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105.

"Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel's hand." -- Revelation 8:3, 4.

"And Jesus said unto them, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.'" -- John 6:35.

"And you shall hang the veil from the clasps. Then you shall bring the ark of the Testimony in there, behind the veil. The veil shall be a divider for you between the holy place and the Most Holy. You shall put the mercy seat upon the ark of the Testimony in the Most Holy." -- Exodus 26:33, 34.

"This shall be a statute forever for you: in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall afflict your souls, and do no work at all, whether a native of your own country or a stranger who dwells among you. For on that day the priest shall make atonement for you, to cleanse you, that you may be clean from all your sins before the Lord." Leviticus 16:29, 30.

"And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. According to all that I show you, that is, the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings, just so you shall make it." -- Exodus 25:8, 9.

"Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man." -- Hebrews 8:1, 2.

"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." -- 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.

"This is covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds I will write them." -- Hebrews 10:16.

Why did God go to so much trouble to give Moses detailed instructions for the building the first sanctuary in the wilderness? Why were the craftsman who did the actual work in the sanctuary carefully chosen for their special skills? Why did God see fit to give the exact measurements of every piece of furniture, every curtain, every wall, every post? Why did He tell them the exact materials to use?

Why were the priests and high priest given so many instructions as to their work, clothing, hygienic practices, and conduct? Why was God so particular about the types of sacrifices, the feasts and other ceremonies centering around the sanctuary?

Why is this still important to us today? The sanctuary and all its services were symbolic of the great plan of redemption. God had laid this plan out before He laid out the foundation of the world. The sanctuary typifies Christ, the living Word. It reveals, in detail, symbols for everything involved in God's work to save mankind. His plan makes it possible for us to find our way back to the purpose we were initially created for-- to reveal God's loving character and to expand and learn and grow all through eternity.

The sanctuary reveals our Saviour as the "Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world." It shows us the need of cleansing, dying to self, and of being buried and raised again to walk in newness of life. It reveals the *Bread of Life,* the Light which lightens our path. The incense, from the Altar of Incense, rises as the righteous merits of Christ, to blend with our prayers to heaven. It reveals the Mercy Seat which covers the moral law of God, placed in the *Ark of the Covenant.* This law which governs the whole universe is being written in our hearts and minds, for our bodies are also God's sanctuaries (or temples), the places where His Spirit must dwell.

The sanctuary tells of a daily service of confession of sin and a yearly service of a deeper repentance and removal and blotting out of sin. It helps to make clear the works of grace on each of our hearts, the need of preparing for the fullness of the Spirit in our lives. Not so we will be filled with ecstasy or intense emotions, but we will be so filled with the love of God there will be no room for self-serving traits of character that hinder us now from giving the last message of mercy to a dying world-- a message that is revealed by our lives. Then Christ will come and those who are ready and waiting will go home with Him.

What is the *Lamb of God* doing now? He is offering up His blood as our heavenly High Priest in the sanctuary the earthly one was patterned after. The earthly service ended on the day He died, with the tearing of the curtain by angels from heaven.

Only the high priest was allowed in the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary where God's law and the mercyseat resided, and *that* only once a year, in the typical service. But, on that glorious day, when our Saviour died for us, the dividing curtain, which hid it from view, was torn in two, so all could see within. It was no longer sacred. Christ, the Messiah, our heavenly High Priest, offers His blood for all those who repent and turn from sin.

Some day soon, He will set aside priestly robes and return as *King of Kings and Lord of Lords* to take home all who have waited for Him.

You and I may examine every part of the ancient sanctuary and its service and find the gospel embedded, ready to be spread out like a map and examined closely and prayerfully. The Bible used as our guide, will make plain the significance of each part to the plan of redemption for the human race. If we will do this, we will come out richly blessed and more fully convinced we serve a wise and loving Creator and Redeemer.
Copyright 1997, Kathryn Terrell Search

What is Bible Perfection and How do we Obtain it?

"I am the Almighty God, walk before Me, and be thou perfect." Genesis 17:1. Some people would like to do away with the word perfect in the Bible--possibly along with pure, righteous, blameless, and holy. They consider themselves too weak to even try to reach this goal.

Does God ask us to reach an impossible standard of righteousness? He knows we are weak and sinful. Even people with tremendous will-power can't reach such a high standard of perfection on their own. So, does God really expect it? Let's see what the Bible says.

"For I am the Lord your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves and ye shall be holy; for I am holy." Leviticus 11:44. Can we take this literally? First of all, how can we be as holy as God is?

“ It is not a conclusive evidence that a man is a Christian because he manifests spiritual ecstasy under extraordinary circumstances. Holiness is not rapture: it is an entire surrender of the will to God; it is living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God; it is doing the will of our heavenly Father; it is trusting God in trial, in darkness as well as in the light; it is walking by faith and not by sight; it is relying on God with unquestioning confidence, and resting in His love.” Acts of the Apostles Page 51.

We read in the Psalms these interesting words: "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." Psalm 19:7-9.

God's law is perfect, righteous, pure, enlightening, converting--giving wisdom and joy to those who allow God to write His law in their minds (Hebrews 10). Why is the law able to convert a man? The law is a mirror which reveals to us our sins, for "sin is the transgression of the law." 1 John 3:4. It also reflects to us the goodness of God's character--goodness that leads us to repentance. As we search our hearts and meditate on God's commandments, we find the need of a Saviour. The Holy Spirit brings us to repentance in the process. This work is continued day by day as we study His word and pray for humble hearts.

"But who may abide the day of His coming? and who shall stand when He appeareth? For He is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap: and He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness." Malachi 3:2, 3. Is God's promise only for a few priests or ministers? No. It's for all of us. God promises to purify and cleanse any one who will cooperate with Him by giving himself to the Lord daily.

“Study your Bibles. Eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of God. Receive into your hearts the words of life, that they may refine and purify and ennoble the whole being. Do not stop with half-way measures. It is too late in the day for this. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Review and Herald, 8-20-1903.

To be thoroughly pure is to be perfect. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:48. How can this be? Certainly not in our own power or strength. Christ relied on His Father throughout His sinless life on earth. Faith in the Father's power to keep Him from sinning, made our Saviour victorious at every step of the way. Faith in Christ's divine power will give us victory over sins in our lives. But God does nothing against our wills. We must make decisions every day, to walk in His steps and thus, gain these victories every day.

“And how this is accomplished, Christ has shown us. By what means did He overcome in the conflict with Satan? By the word of God. Only by the word could He resist temptation. ‘It is written,’ He said. And unto us are given ‘exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.’ 2 Peter 1:4. Every promise in God's word is ours. ‘By every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God’ are we to live. When assailed by temptation, look not to circumstances or to the weakness of self, but to the power of the word. All its strength is yours. ‘Thy word,’ says the psalmist, ‘have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.’ ‘By the word of Thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer.’ Ps. 119:11; 17:4.” Desire of Ages Page 123.

In order to be victorious we need to keep our priorities where they belong. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added on to you." Matthew 6:33. All what things? Everything we really need to go through this life. Yet, this life is granted to us to prepare for eternity.

Jesus' prayer for us in John 17 ought to spur us on to live for His glory. "Sanctify them through Thy truth; Thy word is truth..And for their sakes I sanctify Myself; that they also might be sanctified through the truth." John 17:17-19. How was Jesus sanctified? Through willing obedience to His Father's commandments. And how was He enabled to obey? Through the Holy Spirit working in His heart and mind. And how are we sanctified? The same way--through faith in His power, through filling our minds with God's word, as Christ did, and communing with God, as Christ did.

It is by faith our hearts are purified (Acts 15:9). "for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith." Romans 1:17 (see Habakkuk 2:4). A living faith is an active faith. We can only retain justification (pardon for past sins) if we live day by day, trusting in Christ's power to save us from our sins. In other words, as our faith grows, our repentance deepens, and our hatred of sin increases. Thus, we will long to be rid of every particle of it in our lives.

“At every advance step in Christian experience our repentance will deepen. It is to those whom the Lord has forgiven, to those whom He acknowledges as His people, that He says, ‘Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall loathe yourselves in your own sight.’ Eze. 36:31. Again He says, ‘I will establish My covenant with thee, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord; that thou mayest remember, and be confounded, and never open thy mouth any more because of thy shame, when I am pacified toward thee for all that thou hast done, saith the Lord God.’ Eze. 16:62, 63. Then our lips will not be opened in self-glorification. We shall know that our sufficiency is in Christ alone. We shall make the apostle's confession our own. ‘I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing.’ Rom. 7:18. ‘God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.’ Gal. 6:14.” Christ’s Object Lessons Page 160.

"But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life." Romans 6:22. We are justified and we are sanctified each day. We need to search our hearts daily, make right choices daily, repent daily, turn away from pet sins daily. God can and will give us victories daily. victory is given to the humble and contrite soul. We can bear "fruit unto holiness"--fruit which will lead to holiness of character.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your ind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." Romans 12:1, 2.

When our body temple is under the control of the Spirit of God, the higher powers of the mind are enabled to control the lower powers of fleshly desires. When we daily, and hourly, surrender to God, He can change us. Our characters will grow more like Christ's--our thoughts and feelings will be in harmony with Him.

“You should keep off from Satan's enchanted ground and not allow your minds to be swayed from allegiance to God. Through Christ you may and should be happy and should acquire habits of self-control. Even your thoughts must be brought into subjection to the will of God and your feelings under the control of reason and religion. Your imagination was not given you to be allowed to run riot and have its own way without any effort at restraint or discipline. If the thoughts are wrong the feelings will be wrong, and the thoughts and feelings combined make up the moral character. When you decide that as Christians you are not required to restrain your thoughts and feelings you are brought under the influence of evil angels and invite their presence and their control. If you yield to your impressions and allow your thoughts to run in a channel of suspicion, doubt, and repining you will be among the most unhappy of mortals, and your lives will prove a failure.” Testimonies Vol. 5, Page 310.

"So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who shall also confirm unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 1:7, 8.

We are made to be blameless in the sight of God when we trust in His righteous merits. We can do nothing ourselves which would give us credit for righteousness, but if we are not allowing Him to work in us to change us, we won't be accounted blameless in the end. We must give God the credit for the good fruits we bear in the sanctifying process as well as the credit He deserves for justifying us when we fall into sin (and repent). The work will be finished in us by the undeserved grace He gives us.

"Awake to righteousness, and sin not." 1 Corinthians 15:34. With the aid of the Spirit, we can see ourselves as we really are and see how willing God is to restore His image in us.

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." 2 Corinthians 7:1. As we're made humble and contrite by the view of our utter sinfulness, it's hard for us to understand God's plan for our full restoration. Can it be true He will actually be able to perfect holiness in such a wretched soul as I?

“The Saviour overcame to show man how he may overcome. All the temptations of Satan, Christ met with the word of God. By trusting in God's promises, He received power to obey God's commandments, and the tempter could gain no advantage. To every temptation His answer was, ‘It is written.’ So God has given us His word wherewith to resist evil. Exceeding great and precious promises are ours, that by these we ‘might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust’ 2 Peter 1:4.” Ministry of Healing Page 181.

He needs our cooperation. "That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind: and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." Ephesians 4:22-24. We were created righteous in the beginning of time, and God has the power to re-create us to the righteousness Adam possessed before the fall.

Christ plans to present to Himself a church "not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish." Ephesians 5:25-27. We are to be "filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." Phillipians 1:11.

“Not one of us will ever receive the seal of God while our characters have one spot or stain upon them. It is left with us to remedy the defects in our characters, to cleanse the soul temple of every defilement. Then the latter rain will fall upon us as the early rain fell upon the disciples on the Day of Pentecost.” Testimonies Vol. 5, Page 214.

This righteousness is not merely the righteousness we receive when we are justified, which is accounted to our credit because of His merits. But as our faith is exercised we bear "the fruits of righteousness." It's tangible and real. "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure, that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among who ye shine as lights in the world." Phillipians 2:13, 15.

We've been sinning a long time, and it takes time for the Spirit of God to do the work of cleansing and purifying our hearts. Nor can we claim to be righteous or perfect. As we gain victories we will always remember how weak we really are, and how much we need His power to keep us from falling into sin. Also, we'll often see more defects to be corrected, as we search our hearts honestly. Paul speaks of His own life: "not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after..but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 3:12-14.

“We believe without a doubt that Christ is soon coming . . . . . . When He comes He is not to cleanse us of our sins, to remove from us the defects in our characters, or to cure us of the infirmities of our tempers and dispositions. If wrought for us at all, this work will all be accomplished before that time. When the Lord comes, those who are holy will be holy still. Those who have preserved their bodies and spirits in holiness, in sanctification and honor, will then receive the finishing touch of immortality. But those who are unjust, unsanctified, and filthy will remain so forever. No work will then be done for them to remove their defects and give them holy characters. The Refiner does not then sit to pursue His refining process and remove their sins and their corruption. This is all to be done in these hours of probation. It is now that this work is to be accomplished for us.” Testimonies Vol. 2, Page 355.

We who are living in the last days of earth's history need to be aware of our special "high calling." God will have a "peculiar people" who will reflect His image perfectly. They will be the "first fruits" of the rest of the saved. What makes them unique? Only a few individuals have gone to heaven without seeing death. But God plans for a whole group to have his experience when He comes in the clouds to take us home.

This group will be living during a time when Christ has left His position as our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary. He no longer offers His blood for man's sins. God tells us in Revelation, those who are not ready will be unready still and those who are holy will be holy still. Man's probation will be closed.

“ Now, while our great High Priest is making the atonement for us, we should seek to become perfect in Christ. Not even by a thought could our Saviour be brought to yield to the power of temptation. Satan finds in human hearts some point where he can gain a foothold; some sinful desire is cherished, by means of which his temptations assert their power. But Christ declared of Himself: ‘The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in Me.’ John 14:30. Satan could find nothing in the Son of God that would enable him to gain the victory. He had kept His Father's commandments, and there was no sin in Him that Satan could use Great Controversy Page 623.

Christ presents those who are ready as "holy and unblamable and unreprovable in His sight; if ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel . . .” Colossians 1:21-23. This is the condition in which those must be found who shall stand in the time of trouble. Now is the time to become settled forever in our faith. We need a faith that will move mountains. And we can have such a faith if we let Him take complete control of our lives.

Copyright 2000, Kathryn D. Search