
Sunset of Life

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Are We Praying for the Holy Spirit as We Should?

We are told it is important to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Yet, I remember an experience I heard about a few years ago that makes me cautious about “how” we pray for the Holy Spirit and what attitudes we may have. Also, how willing are we to die to self and listen to that still, small voice when it points out sin in our lives. If we are holding on to something God would have us be rid of, we may be deceived. This is what seems to have happened to a certain group of people who were praying for the outpouring of the Spirit. It was obvious they received some spirit, but it was also obvious it wasn’t the Holy Spirit.

Now, I realize we are also told that many will not recognize when the Holy Spirit is poured out upon others. They will think it is something strange and dangerous, even though it is a calm, life-changing experience to those who experience it. They become more like Jesus in character. Their compassion for souls increases. There is no undue excitement. If what they do and say is not in harmony with the written word of God, it will soon be apparent.

As for ourselves, we do need to pray for the Holy Spirit to come fully into our lives. I, for one, want to be sure I am surrendered to the will of God. I want to be willing to be made willing, to make whatever changes in my life are necessary. I don’t want to hold on to any wrong trait of character, nor do I want to resist the convictions of the Spirit over any kind of sin in my life, no matter how large or small it may be. This may take time, and a whole lot of prayer. The sinful nature is always trying to get the mastery, with the help of our worst enemy, Satan. But we know God offers us all the divine power we need to be overcomers.

The Holy Spirit can and will give us victories over self. Forms of selfishness are what cause divisions among God’s people. Only those who are willing to be rid of self will learn to be in union with their brothers and sisters who are also praying for the outpouring of God’s Spirit.
I am not sure just how it can all take place, with all the rebellion still found in to many of God’s professed children. But we are assured it will take place.

The outpouring of God’s Spirit will eventually result in division and persecution. This can’t be helped. But, in the meantime, the Holy Spirit’s early and latter rain power will cause many to come and join us in proclaiming the good news of Christ’s soon return.

We need not fear the time of trouble coming on the earth, if we have made a complete surrender to God. It is only those who have not developed complete faith who will have a hard time of it. That surrender must be a daily matter, even hourly. I know the Lord can help us to learn to keep our minds on Him, be aware of His presence, as we seek to know Him better. We become changed by beholding. And, we behold by often reading His word and by often praying. When the Bible says to “pray without ceasing”, it is asking us to be in an attitude of prayer constantly.
Not only that, we need to be continually listening for the voice of God’s Spirit-- always comparing with the Scriptures, to be sure it isn’t our own impressions or from our evil foe.

I wish to have more of this experience in my own life. I hope you do too. Sometimes we may think we are willing to give our all, but are holding on to a few cherished little idols. I pray we will not let anything come between us and our Saviour. Pray for the Holy Spirit. Pray that He will change your life for the better, give you strength to overcome everything that stands in the way. Pray the fruit of the Spirit will be great in your life, the ten commandments will be written in your soul temple, and affect your thoughts, words, and actions. Then, prayer for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit to flood your life and make you ready to be more of a soul winner than you have ever been before. Pray God will entrust you with whatever gifts are needed for you to be the kind of person who can be one of those who will set the world on fire with the truth He has for mankind to ready them for the coming of our Heavenly King.

When individuals experience these things they can get together with other church members who are having a similar experience and pray together for God’s outpouring. It seems this is what God wants. His true children can do more to promote the cause of God if they can be in harmony with one another. But in some places the majority may not be in harmony, yet somehow we know God will bring about such harmony among true believers. Only the Holy Spirit can give us all we need for this to take place. The first step is obedience in all things. And, one of those things, is the command for us to pray for God’s Spirit to take over our lives. AMEN!

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

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