
Sunset of Life

Friday, July 29, 2011

Study for Yourselves

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." --2 Timothy 3:16,(NKJV).

Many Christians conclude the wicked burn in an everlasting hellfire somewhere in the universe. They have been taught this by their spiritual leaders for years, and most believe it is a Biblically proven doctrine. This is not a study of the doctrine. My purpose is to use it as an illustration of our need to study for ourselves.

To prove a doctrine is based soundly on the written word of God, we need to study it from all angles. One or two proof texts are often never enough, when it comes to complex issues. Where the wicked and the righteous spend eternity is an important matter.

My next question may be disturbing, but let it set you to thinking and searching the Scripture for yourself. Is it comforting to believe a loved one, who you have evidence died without Jesus as their Saviour, is burning in a place called hell? This thought has turned some people away from Christianity. They refuse to believe in a God who would let men suffer for eternity because of a short life of wrong-doing here on earth.

Are they justified in feeling this way? Or, could the problem be too many of us who profess Christianity have been deceived into believing an incorrect doctrine? Can this happen to a born-again Christian? Is it possible to know and understand some Biblical doctrines and misunderstand others? Yes, it is possible.

We are taught to believe many Bible doctrines by others, sometimes from childhood. The people we learn from may not be considered wicked, yet their beliefs are often based on what others have passed to them, not on thorough Bible study.

Actually, the best Bible studies are the thorough ones we do ourselves, with only the use of a good concordance and a prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Though we may be thankful for texts given to us by others, we need to do what the Bereans did in the time of the apostles--check the Scriptures for ourselves on every spiritual matter.

If someone loads you down with Scriptures to prove a doctrine, take time to pray and read them over by yourself. See what additional texts you can find on the matter and what surrounds the text given. In most cases, check both the old and new testaments. The old sheds light on the new and the new unfolds truth in the old. For example, Isaiah 53 is a beautiful prophecy of our Saviour, written many years before He was born on earth. It's worth your time. Spending time in prayer will enhance your efforts and give you the aid of God's Spirit to heighten your understanding.

For example, there are passages that speak of sleep as death and texts that give clues to the thoughts of the dead (if any). Malachi has a text which speaks of the wicked being ashes under the feet of the saints, which tells me there is an utter end of the wicked at some point. YOU study it out yourself, with a heart open to God's will, and come to your own conclusions. I will say, I have read texts that indicate the wicked, Satan, and all his angels will be completely destroyed. It is up to you to make your own decisions on what is truth, after you study for yourself.

Now, it is true, if someone else can give you texts on any subject to look up, this can give you a head start. In fact, if someone has studied this or any other subject out thoroughly (at least they claim this) read the texts they provide. But, don't take it for granted their interpretation is absolutely right. Make sure you have all the Bible evidence needed for a sound conclusion.

What about pre-conceived opinions? What do you do with the ideas you have already formed? If someone says you are in error on something you believe to be true, what should you do? Perhaps, you can start by asking them to quote Scriptures to prove you are in error. Then write down where to find these. Study them, and get your concordance out and look for others on the subject. Pray for guidance, look for similar words, etc. You may find a clearer understanding of this and many other Bible doctrines and prophecies, which will help you to grow in grace and make you better equipped to help others.

I know of a man who considered the Bible as the word of God. One day a friend told him he was in error on a certain doctrine. Of course, he couldn't believe this could be true. So he started studying the subject, with the intentions of proving his friend wrong.

He studied it thoroughly, from every angle he could think of. When he was through, he had the proof he needed. He convinced himself "he" was the one who was wrong, not his friend. This can happen to any of us. May the Lord help us as we "search the Scriptures" for "doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." (Read 2 Timothy 3:16 again.).

Copyright 2000, Kathryn D. Search

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